4 Creative Ways To Customize Your Kitchen Cabinets
Custom kitchen cabinetry gives you the opportunity to transform basic cabinets and doors into something that will be sure to impress. Here are a few ideas that you can use when designing your cabinets.
Pocket Doors
There are some things that you want out on your kitchen counters at all times and other things you'd rather not see. What do you do when you have items that fall in the middle? This could be frequently used kitchen spices or accessories you want access to without opening a door that you can run into. Pocket doors, which are doors that slide into the side of the cabinet when they are open, are a great innovation. While they do slightly reduce the shelf space, they avoid having an open door when the cabinet is open.
Peg Board Storage Drawers
Everyone has that drawer with plenty of utensils in it, and they have to dig around to find the right one. Thankfully, there is a creative solution to this problem. Much like how a workshop has a peg board where tools can be placed so they are easy to grab, you can do the same thing for a kitchen with cooking utensils. However, nobody wants the peg board to be in plain sight at all times. Thankfully, you can incorporate a peg board into a tall and thin drawer so that all the utensils are hidden when not in use. You can simply pull out the drawer and grab what you need with ease.
Towel Bars
Everyone has those dish towels that end up hanging off the cabinet and drawer hardware, which clutters the space. There is a way to hide these towels so that they can't be seen most of the time. A towel bar will be installed at the top of a bottom cabinet and retract in and out. This allows the towel bar to remain out of sight until you need it, and then it will hide away in the cabinet.
Utility Broom Closet
Do you have those mops and brooms that always seem to hang out in your kitchen because you do not have a good place for them? Consider a utility broom closet to hold them all. This is a tall and thin cabinet that will be big enough to fit these cleaning products so that you don't have to look at them at all times.
Ask a kitchen cabinet designer for more information about cabinet options, such as UltraCraft cabinets.